May 29, 2002

DH and I worked our butts off in the yard Monday, starting a new bed beneath the fir trees using principles we've read about lasagna gardening to do this. We got down a layer of newspaper and a layer of compost, then I sprinkled Miraclo-Gro's pre-emergent on it so no weed seeds would germinate. In another week or so, I'll sprinkle some grass clippings on there for nitrogen, then we'll add the last layer, hardwood mulch. We probably won't plant very much under those trees since it's so dry and the roots are so close to the surface; we'll put a lawnchair and chaise lounge some friends are giving us there, and have some potted plants around them.

We ordered pizza last night from Pizza Butt, whupped and not wanting to cook. For once, we didn't eat the whole thing, so that's a plus. We each saved a piece and had that for brunch out on the patio this morning, LOL.

We went to bed around midnight and were up and outside at 9am, something rare for us. It was cool and wonderful, with the fountain splashing in the pond and the birds singing. A storm front rolled through around 11am, and we were glad we gotten up early so we had time to enjoy the patio before it hit.

Poor Sarah, our beagle mix, was beside herself with worry when the biggest storms came through between 1-6am. She wanted to crawl under the bed, but we'd put boxes around the edge to block her way because of how she got stuck under there last time she shimmied her way in the nether regions of Underbed. Poor doggie. Poor DH - he couldn't sleep because she was restless and wanting comfort all night long!

He had to work today, but I took a long nap on the couch with the puppies. But I've had a cold, so I can say it was for my health. ;)

May 25, 2002

RIght now I'm really frustrated with how off-track I've let myself get when it comes to my diet. I know, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Well phoey, it's a diet nomatter what you want to call it.

Howie my DH and I have been on this lifestyle change since a little before Thanksgiving 2001. He'd lost 51 pounds and I'd lost 31. We slipped into some bad habits, though, and for the last two weeks we've pretty much been eating every meal from one restaurant or another. Ugh. I won't go within five feet of a scale right now.

But, I am resolved to keep posting the daily Healthy Living thread at the Health Forum at Dave's Garden. If nothing else, it reminds me that I can do this if I just weather the rough spots. And it also has encouraged others in their struggles with lifestyle change.

The more I think about this, the more I know I just can't quit. I'm going to start logging what I eat again, keeping a food diary. That really seemed to help before, because it let me see how I was "spending" my calories for the day, good or bad. If I look at dieting like bargain-shopping, it helps. How much bang can I get for my caloric buck? :) Just two months ago, my posts on the forum were so positive, because I felt good about making good choices for my body and feeling empowered by that.

I will persevere!

May 24, 2002

My favorite blogger's site is She'll have to remind me to post here, because it'd be easy to forget seeing how this is so new and all...Yesssiree, Bob, brand-spankin new. Let's see who those words bring to my blog, LOL.

Of course, my other favorite site is Dave's Garden, where I spend far too much time geeking out with other gardeners about the leaves on our coneflowers, the weird bugs we've picked off our roses, and all that good stuff. There's a computer forum there, too, though, so there are also legitimate geeky-geeks.

I need to figure out how to add comments to this blog like Angie has on hers; I don't know if Prodigy allows this, and seeing how I must use my freebie hosting for the moment, I'm stuck with whatever crumbs they deign to scatter my way. And I wanna add pictures!! :)
Okay, Angie, are you happy now? I have muddled through this blogger stuff and am giving this a shot. I took that nifty personality test and found that...I am a toaster.

...Which Random thing are YOU?