April 11, 2003


"Someone's been sitting in my chair, too," cried the Baby Bear, "and now my archives work!". Thanks, Angie!

Zippy, The People-Loving Geek

Boy, wish I could say I came up with that little ditty on my own, but I can't. It's the blog of a student, one whose writing is both fun and really insightful. Mucho-Referroed-Pangie clued me in with a terse e-mail entitled "blog" and containing one hyperlink. It needed no introduction, and no explanation. It's just plain good. Hi ya, Zippy!
archives all fixed up now. wee!

A Wee Site Enhancement

I prefer to have my hyperlinks open in a new window, but keep forgetting to add the target="_blank" tag when I add them. Problem solved! I found a nifty bit of javascript which will do it automatically. So, if you'd prefer to have hyperlinks open in a new window when you click them, put a check in the little box on the left, next to where it says "link preference". If you don't, leave it blank. The choice, friends, is yours now - and I don't have to remember every time.
To test it, here's a link to the site of Nancy Noel, one of my favorite artists.

Strike that. Until I figure out how to get it to work in conjunction with the hyperlinks to my pop-up comment windows, it's useless. :( Blargh!

82 Years Combined Incompetence

An ad I saw on TV last night for a local auto repair shop reminded me of a pet peeve. What's WITH businesses touting things like, "we offer over 82 years combined experience!"? C'mon, what does that mean? What, they have fourteen people who have worked in their field for five years each, and maybe one who's been there twelve?

It means nothing, people! "Our planet's inhabitants offer xxx years combined experience!" And we've learned....what?