November 14, 2002

Whatever Happened To Baby Mike?

I was blown away when I saw the latest pictures of Michael Jackson this evening. What on EARTH would make someone do this to himself? His personality just got more and more weird as his outer appearance did, too. How could it not? There's a chronicle of his facelifts and cosmetic alterations at Anomalies Unlimited. Just be forewarned: The writing is wickedly funny, so don't accidently blow pop out your natural, wonderful, unmodified nose. Let's be careful out there.

Basement Blues

Preface: I don't know how one can go into politics without becoming a politician; likewise, I don't know how one can go into sales without becoming a salesman. I guess I can't fault the guy for being a salesman - it's like the old "you can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy" thing. I'm just full of useful analogies today, aren't I?

This leads me to our appointment with the salesman today. Things got a little bit emotional for the first twenty minutes or so the salesman was here, and I must admit I did ambush him with a bad attitude to begin with. I'd been stewing over this for a whole day, corresponding with the ex-employee, doing more research, learning about alternative methods. In the meantime, he had no clue that I felt this way, and never saw this coming. He got defensive, I got defensive, and it was ugly for a while. The facts don't shine through much when everyone's upset and each has his or her own agenda. (This is why I hate political discussions, LOL).

But then, mercifully, we calmed down and all talked. We pretty much hit a dead end when we tried to get a yet lower price, though he did agree to take off an additional $200 for an online coupon I'd found online yesterday, something they normally only apply to an undiscounted price (who knows...). In all, we're paying over $2000 less than what he originally quoted us.

He took time to straight-out explain the stand-by thing and it did make sense when he laid out the scenario. Customers who want to pick the date the crew starts will pay the premium price, while those who agree to be flexible to within a 24-hour notice time period will get a break on the price. He said the majority of their customers are 2-income professionals who want to know a definite timeframe because they must arrange for someone to be home while the work's being done, so it's a financial incentive when a customer's willing to be flexible. From a business standpoint that does make sense. Having jobs available at short notice keeps their crews busy, plus those customers can get the work done more quickly than they might otherwise, and they save some money.

As for the work itself, the other company we'd considered was B Dry, but they do not guarantee against dampness on the walls, only that there will be no water seepage. They basically drill holes at the base of your basement walls and channel that water into a drain around the perimeter of the basement. The drain is not even cemented over, from what I've been reading. What good would that do us, considering we're finishing the walls? EverDry, however, does guarantee we will not have dampness on the walls.

The EverDry salesman said that EverDry does charge a premium price, but they also guarantee against a lot more. He said EverDry could do the same job B Dry proposes, and beat their price, but it would not solve our problem. And after all the reading I did yesterday (my eyes are still uncrossing), I can see this.

They'll come out and install the EZ-Breathe ventilation system, included in this package, next week (after our 3-day back-out period is over) and get it to work on pulling mold spores, moisture, etc. out of the basement and house, and then we'll be on stand-by following our return from Louisiana. I'll be posting updates, of course! It's like I told him, if I am happy with the work and the results, I will spread the word. I'm not one to only say something when things go wrong; I believe good work should also be recognized and rewarded.