March 07, 2003

Out of Curiosity

Why do spammers think that I'm going to bother reading an e-mail with a subject line like przeszpiegi angrim nestaje SWART, let alone from an unknown and obviously junk/forged e-mail address? Why do people send this stuff? I know, I know...But, man, I just got back from being out all afternoon, and when I screened my e-mail headers with Mailwasher , it marked dozens of these goofy e-mails for deletion. I love that program.

Friday Five

What more can I say? It's time to consult with my inner child and answer this week's Friday Five questions...

1. What was the last song you heard?
The theme song to "That 70's Show"

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
I watched "Pleasantville" on TV Saturday night, and prior to that I think the last movie I saw was "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers". I just told Howie that my answer is pretty pitiful; here I love movies, but I haven't seen anything new since December? Gosh. I don't usually watch TV when he's at work. and when he gets home we watch some of our favorite late-night shows.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
I bought a 12x12" post-bound memory album, a package of 12x12" pages/sheet protectors and a combo pack of paper/stickers...All from Hobby Lobby. And right after I bought those, I dashed back to Michael's and returned all the scrapbook stuff I'd just bought before going to Hobby Lobby! Michael's is so expensive unless you use one of the weekly 40% off an item coupons or catch them when they have something on sale. Yikes!

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
I really must (1) de-poop the back yard, weather permitting, (2) dust and vacuum, (3) launder all the dogs' bedding, and (4) get my butt out of bed and go to church Sunday morning.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Howie, Mom, Lisa, Amy, and Angie