September 03, 2002

Vikki just called. Chanah woke up sick at 2:00am, vomiting blood and blood clots, so an ambulance was called. She's in surgery right now, and they're doing exploratory surgery from her nose on down her throat to see where this bleeding is coming from. Please, pray -- Vikki's having a tough time of it, as you can imagine. I'll let you know more as soon as I hear. Thanks, everyone!!
Hey, ya'll, keep Busgirlie's daughter in your thoughts and prayers. She's having some complications from her tonsilectomy. Go to Busgirlie's blog for more info and updates...

I've republished my entries as well as my archives, but still I am faced with a "page not found" when trying to click any of the entry's links on this first page here. The archived pages work fine. I also notice that my August 25-August 31 entries are not archived as they should be, but are still on this current page. It's probably something really simple I'm missing here, too. Aaaargh!