August 23, 2002

I'm sad right now. I just learned that a friend of mine from Dave's Garden died. A prayer request was posted for her family. I'd never met Tink76627 (Peggy) in person, but we'd e-mailed back and forth and she posted a lot at Dave's. She was always sending some little cheerful e-card or note, and I'll miss that. She had crippling rheumatoid arthritis and had a lot of pain, but she still kept gardening, still laughed, and just went on living. I don't face near the trials she did every day, and I get mired down in self pity sometimes. God love her. I hurt for her family, too, and pray they'll be comforted. :(
We just finished watching Braveheart and I am once again reminded of (1) how complacenet and comfortable I am in my freedom, (b) how darned sad it is when a great character is killed in a story and (three) just how much I like Mel Gibson and his movies. It's been so long since I'd seen this movie, much of it - especially the strategizing, politics and betrayals - were new to me. I was feeling like heading to bed with my Stephen King novel and letting Howie finish watching the movie on his own, but now I'm glad I watched it. Historical accuracy/inaccuracy aside, it is a movie of epic proportions and brings out some incredible acting from its players.

It also brings out some thoughts in me. America. Of course I love living here. But do I value the freedom? When I watched the horrific battle scenes, perfectly realistic given the weapons of war we know they fought with back then, I recoiled. It was repulsive! Now we push buttons and make phone calls from the safety of bunkers, and planes deposit their payload on our enemies, and missles are launched remotely.

When I see something like Braveheart, I am forced to think about the battles which have been waged so that I can enjoy this complacency I find myself in. Isn't that ironic? Ugh.