March 28, 2003

Homeless Critters

I added a goodie to the right sidebar last night. It's a link to, which offers access to a huge network of animal shelters across the country. Our Emma is a pound puppy, and we have big hearts when it comes to homeless critters.

I know some folks really desire a purebred with all the papers, but I just don't know if I could spend hundreds on such a dog when I know there are sooo many great critters living on borrowed time at the shelter. Emma's littermates were put down the day we got to take her home, and if they had temperments anything like hers, they would have made fantastic pets.

I urge you, check out your local dog pound and animal shelter if you're considering a pet; they even have purebreds if that's your thing. I like mutts, myself. I can guar-ON-tee there's no other doggie like our Emma on the planet!

Finally, it's Friday

My hubby had to go back to 5-day work weeks after last week's layoffs at his job. It's weird getting used to, but we're so thankful he still has a job. So, once again, Friday really means something. Of course, Friday's also an excuse to answer someone else's questions.

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week?

Last Saturday morning, I went to a womens coffee fellowship at our church. The lady next to me, Jeanette, was interpreting the speaker's message in sign language so one of our church's hearing-impaired members could listen. Watching Jeannette's graceful hands and seeing Carol's expressions as she listened, it struck me how much I would like to better communicate with the deaf members at my church. I love people, love talking with them, and it bothers me I am not able to communicate as well with the deaf as I'd like. I know how to do the alphabet in sign language, but that's it. I really should look into this more - there are people at church who teach others, for interpreters are always welcome.

2. What one person touched your life this week?

So many! Someone who I've especially appreciated this week is Naomi, though. She's been a real encouragement to me! Love you, girl. :)

3. How have you helped someone this week?

That same Saturday morning, I provided transportation to an elderly member of my church. Actually, it may have helped me even more than her; surely someone would have given her a ride had I not asked her, but by offering her a ride, I made sure that I would go, too. She is a widow and struggles with depression, so it meant a lot to her to get out and just visit with people and laugh -- and I was blessed, too!

4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week?

I need to get the house cleaning done by this time next week. I wanna have people over to visit! (That New Messies Handbook I'm reading is awesome, by the way). I also need to get outside a little each day and clean up the perennial beds. There are leaves from last fall, plus all the perennial foliage that died back over winter. There's new growth coming up everywhere, and I need to get rid of the dead stuff before I end up cutting good shoots and leaves with the dead stuff.

5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place?

My world? I will pray. I am one person, basically impotent to impact much of what's going on in the world at large, but I know Someone who can. I don't know what all the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. As far as what I can do locally? I can listen. I am making it a point to listen more. We all need someone who will just listen sometimes.