February 17, 2003

this site has been hacked

we have taken your password hostage. if you want it back unharmed, please put $1407.75 in quarters in a pilla case, and drop it behind seat number 6 in row number 22 in theater number 10 at the easton amc. we will then return your password safe and sound and changed to something else. have a good day.

Comments, Please

I am forever endebted to Pangie for getting comments working for me. Yippee! Now I not only host them myself, but I also get e-mail notifications when you kind readers leave a comment. No more do I have to worry if someone might have left a comment on an old entry, one which I might overlook. Whew - How lovely it is! I was pretty happy with YACCS, but really wanted e-mail notification. Now, there's only one hitch: Previous comments are gone from the site until I can figure out what to do with them. They're still on file at YACCS, but I'm not sure if it's worth bringing them over to the blog again.

The Farthest Extent Of My Soapbox

You know I don't have a political blog. I'm just not a very political person. I don't particularly like debating and frankly, I don't understand a lot of the complexities of politics. Anyway, I just read this article, Shame On You American-Hating Liberals, for the first time today. Woah. Coming from a normally liberal publication, this is really something. I'm glad my friend sent it my way -- It's good to hear someone outside the country assert that America isn't just a big ogre in the world.