September 24, 2002

Re-Evaluating Winter

Here's a winter memory from a lovely snowfall we enjoyed in January, 2002. More below...

I used to say I hated winter, but I'm re-evaluating that statement. The cool fall nights have me in mind of putting the garden to bed, raking leaves, and settling in for a cozy winter. Thought I don't like the usual winter weather our area offers (cold and damp - we get more rain than snow I think), I love the simple rest it offers. The pace of life slows and we light candles on those early winter evenings and listen to music more often. We read, cuddled under the various lap throws that are scattered throughout our home. True, we also wipe mud from the dogs' feet (that's twelve feet now!) and from ours, and the cold can get a little old. But I don't fret about my plants not getting enough water, about the stuff still needing to be deadheaded, and I don't chastise myself for not weeding. Yes, I really do like winter for the different things it offers -- But perhaps I'm only glamorizing it in absentia, LOL. Anyway, wouldn't you think that warm doorway looked inviting? And isn't that guy up there cute?