November 08, 2002

Tear-Stained Chicken Feet

Jan lost it again on Survivor Thailand. It wasn't a bat this time, but a chicken. Its pieces-parts are now snugly nestled in beneath the sand next to young Oliver the Bat's wee grave. With Helen spouting off recipes like she does, I'm surprised she didn't come up with one for chicken feet. I've a friend in South Carolina who swears by them (crispy!). And I know some Cajuns down the Louisiana way who definitely would know how to make good use of them, though it'd be a lot of work for just two bites. That's why we've told our friends not to divulge the ingredients in our meals until after we've consumed them, LOL. Anyway, I think the Survivors are a little too well-fed if they don't consider the feet as something marginally edible. Shii Ann would have eaten them. ;)

Vikki's Friday Five

Vikki's home-grown, very own Friday Muses. Now these are questions I feel comfortable answering. Whew!

1. If this planet wasn't named Earth, what would you name it?
The Planet Formerly Known As Earth or maybe Earth...NOT!

2. Does 'black' go with everything?
It goes with everything except dog and cat hair.

3. What one food/drink gets your bowels moving the fastest?
Tomatoes. Lookout, people, lemme through!

4. Out of all of the hardwoods, which makes the best wood for building mountain dulcimers?
I prefer a softwood. That makes my dulcimer far more portable, as I can fold it neatly into a square for packing.

5. Do you sprinkle Parmesian cheese on your pasta?
If at a restaurant, yes. At the Olive Garden I tell 'em to be generous with that grater, baby! If at home, no. I mix it into my sauce while cooking it.

Wow. That didn't hurt at all!

Dare I say again...Friday five time

Friday Five, and I've not much to add.

1. Did you vote in your last elections?
Yep. Braved the cold and the rain and did it.

2. Do you know who your elected representatives are?

3. Have you ever contacted an elected representative? If so, what was it about?

4. Have you ever participated in a demonstration?

5. Have you ever volunteered in an election? What was the result?

Gee, do you notice a trend here? I'm one of the marginally-apathetic masses. I do study up on issues and vote my conscience, but I don't rally, march or argue.