October 31, 2002

Halloween Goof

I just got back from having my teeth clean. Mmmmm, they're nice and shiny and tartar-less. I noticed the hygienist had on a cute halloween sweatshirt and pants, along with fun earrings, but didn't think anything of it. As I was leaving, I saw the receptionist was wearing jammies and had freckles painted on her cheeks. I blurted out, "Oh, that's right, it's Halloween!" She laughed and replied, "I sure hope so! I like to dress comfortably, but I don't think I'd normally wear this to work!" I honestly had forgotten today was Halloween until I was confronted with a baby girl making appointments.

Tooth Hurty

Ok, for those of you who have never heard that riddle, here it is:

Q: What time is it when you're at the dentist's office?
A: Tooth-Hurty

Actually, my teeth don't hurt. They're just wickedly stained from coffee and I was years overdue for a cleaning and exam. We've not been to the dentist since we lost my good dental coverage at my last job and our dentist wasn't on hubby's new plan. The good news is, I have no cavities! Wooo! The semi-bad news is I have a little bit of gingivitis, but not too bad. By the time I left, I found out that both the dentist and hygienist like dogs. Leave it to me to sniff out fellow dog lovers. Howie's having his first appointment tomorrow and I'm getting my teeth cleaned. This dentist is really thorough, so the cleaning comes on your second visit. Yeah, there's not a lot going on in my life...

Oh, well, other than it only being 23 days until vacation now. Wooooo! Every day my Cajun friend Lisa's been sending me a countdown and link to something cheap/fun to do in her area of Louisiana. One link she sent was for the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. Now, THAT looks awesome. We won't have a lot of spending money on our vacation, but that is one place we have got to see. The other thing we're definitely budgeting to do is The Cajun Man's swamp tour. One other thing that sounds fun is hearing some MUSIC. Today's countdown link was for The Bayou Terrebonne Waterlife Museum, and their homepage says there's Cajun music nights...Only $1 to get in, so it passes the cheapness test.

Other than that, we'll pretty much hang out with Lisa's family and see some sights. I've never been to a place with a tropical climate like Louisiana, so I'm pretty excited about seeing the wildlife down there. The only other tour I would considering paying for is one of a cemetery; I've always wanted to see the New Orleans cemeteries, but Lisa cautioned that they're not safe for people to just walk around in alone, and that we'd better plan on a tour group if we want to see one. The way I zone out in my happy little world when taking photographs, I'd probably be a prime mugging target, LOL.