November 19, 2002

Stooge Spam

People of sendoutmail, listen to me: I DON'T WANT A THREE STOOGES TALKING WALL CLOCK! Quit sending me the stupid spam already.

::pant pant:: Thank you.

Reiner's Time-Travelling Studio Audience

When I was little, I watched "All in the Family". I still do watch it, and it's stood the test of time. Anyway, as a child, I didn't understand "before" could also mean "in front of". So, when Rob Reiner would say "All in the Family was filmed before a live studio audience", it confused the heck out of me! I only knew "before" in the chronological sense, so it blew me away to think they could film the show before the audience even got there -- and you still heard them laughing. My thinking has always been strange; it's just easier to disguise it as odd wit now. ;)

Strike another tickmark down for Joanie, for she clued me in to I Used To Believe, a site that's chock full of such youthful malapropisms and misunderstandings. And, of course, when I first saw the title, clueless about its content, I thought it to be a site explaining why its author no longer believes in God. I like this a lot better.

This-or-That for November 19

The Passionate Ailurophile's posted Tuesday's questions...

1. Long or short hair?
Mine comes mid-way down my back and is all one length, so I'd say long. Long and untangled would be better, but hey.

2. Microwave or conventional oven?
For reheating most stuff, a microwave's great. For truly crusty and fluffy baked potatoes, though, you've gotta use a conventional oven. There's no comparison.

3. Plain or Peanut M and M's? (Can't use the and sign with Blogger. Stupid, ain't it?)
Plain. More chocolate per pound. ;)

4. "101 Dalmations"...animated or live-action version?
Animated, all the way!

5. Drink out of bottle/can or pour into a glass?
It depends on what it is. I'm fine drinking almost anything out of a bottle or can, but I think beer tastes better when in a glass.

6. Sunlight or moonlight?
Especially now that our days are shorter, give me sunlight!

7. Kermit the Frog or Miss Piggy?
Kermie Baby.

8. Glasses or contact lenses (or neither)?

9. Action movies or chick flicks?
Both! Why choose? If I have to choose, probably chick flicks because the character development is usually better. Good thing my DH likes both genres, huh?

10. Toilet seat...up or down?
DOWN! And I am fortunate to be married to a guy who never leaves it up. Oh that visitors would take the hint!