September 22, 2002

I'm still feeling dizzy and headachey, so I've not been at the computer much. Even when I am online, I'm just kind of aimlessly wandering and unfocused (more unfocused than usual, LOL!). Don't expect anything earth shattering from this neck of the woods for a few days, LOL. In fact, the biggest news around our house is that Howie and our friend Mark replaced our horribly wobbly concrete back steps with a nice set of wooden stairs. Wow, what a difference that makes! No longer do we have to wedge bits of stone and concrete beneath the pre-formed concrete steps to keep them from wobbling. No longer is there a loud clunk when we go in or out of the back door. Best yet, we no longer must step down as soon as our feet cross the threshhold of the door; the first step is even with the door now, so there's a nice 14" spot to tread before taking a step down. When negotiating two leashed, enthusiastic dogs, this is a key thing. The dogs didn't quite know what to think of the new steps for a while, and it was funny seeing them react to them. They've given them a good sniffing, though, and now walk on them with almost no trepidation.

Today I give thanks for sweaty men who make the world a better place. :)