May 25, 2002

RIght now I'm really frustrated with how off-track I've let myself get when it comes to my diet. I know, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Well phoey, it's a diet nomatter what you want to call it.

Howie my DH and I have been on this lifestyle change since a little before Thanksgiving 2001. He'd lost 51 pounds and I'd lost 31. We slipped into some bad habits, though, and for the last two weeks we've pretty much been eating every meal from one restaurant or another. Ugh. I won't go within five feet of a scale right now.

But, I am resolved to keep posting the daily Healthy Living thread at the Health Forum at Dave's Garden. If nothing else, it reminds me that I can do this if I just weather the rough spots. And it also has encouraged others in their struggles with lifestyle change.

The more I think about this, the more I know I just can't quit. I'm going to start logging what I eat again, keeping a food diary. That really seemed to help before, because it let me see how I was "spending" my calories for the day, good or bad. If I look at dieting like bargain-shopping, it helps. How much bang can I get for my caloric buck? :) Just two months ago, my posts on the forum were so positive, because I felt good about making good choices for my body and feeling empowered by that.

I will persevere!