September 19, 2002

Pick A Winner and Take Me To DQ

Joanie's nose-picker story reminds me of a story a friend told me once. He was out driving his car on the freeway and glanced over at the driver of the car next to him as he passed it. That car's driver was a pretty lady, who waved at him. Sweet! What she failed to remember was that she had a wad of Kleenex sticking out of her nose. He politely motioned, pointing toward his nose, and she responded by rolling her eyes a little and waving again, in thanks. This whole interchange took place in a few seconds, a marvel in non-verbal communication.

By the way, to view two funny Kleenex TV ads, go here.

The second thing that entry in Joanie's blog brought to mind was a childhood trip to Dairy Queen with my father. It was a big deal to order for myself, so I marched right up to that counter and very maturely ordered a brassiere burger.

Yeah, as in bra. Over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder. Double-slingshot. I couldn't spell it at that point in my life, but I darned well knew how it was pronounced! I don't remember much except my father laughing and my thinking "well Brazier sure looks like it ought to be prounounced brassiere"!

A Countdown

This nifty list thingie I found on Joanie's site

Ten movies you'd watch over and over:
1. As Good As It Gets
2. Braveheart
3. The Princess Bride
4. Shawshank Redemption
5. Star Trek (any of 'em)
6. The Matrix
7. The Abyss
8. Pleasantville
9. You've Got Mail
10. A Christmas Story

Nine people you enjoy the company of:
Only Nine?? This list is not all-inclusive!
1. Howie (& our family)
2. Amy
3. Angie
4. John
5. Amy
6. Noah
7. Bonnie
8. Lisa
9. Yeah, and me ;)

Eight things you're wearing:
1. Wedding Band
2. Glasses
3. Barrette
4. Right earring
5. Left earring
6. Undergarments
7. Outergarments
8. A smile

Seven Things on your Mind:
1. Getting over this cold
2. Hoping Howie doesn't catch it
3. Cleaning I need to do
4. Deciding it can wait until I feel better
5. Writing, how I enjoy it
6. Contemplating bringing my music keyboard upstairs
7. How fleeting the days are

Six objects you touch everyday:
1. My glasses
2. A coffee cup
3. My hubby
4. My cats
5. My dogs
6. My dogs' leashes

Five things you do everyday:
1. Kiss my hubby
2. Wake up with no alarm
3. Eeeeeeliminiate
4. Surf the Internet
5. Count my blessings

Four bands that you couldn't live without:
1. Phil Keaggy & Sunday's Child
2. The Beatles
3. Men at Work
4. Randy Stonehill & band

Three of your favorite songs at this moment:
1. You're Worthy of My Praise (version from John Tesh's CD A Deeper Faith)
2. Shoofly Pie (Doris Day)
3. You Are Still Holy (as sung by Kim Hill)

Two people that have influenced your life the most:
1. Mom
2. John

One person that you love more than anyone in the world:
1. Howie

Mirror Mirror...

Well, I finally did it. I submitted a photo to
The Mirror Project and they put it up today. I owe it all to Randal, the Big White Guy...Even if he did shave his goatee off in a moment of abandon, I admire the guy. Hey, we even have the same camera - how cool is THAT? If he can take such great shots with his Olympus, I know I can do better.