May 02, 2003

I have the DG's

That's what I get when I can't get to Dave's Garden; they're like the DT's, only much worse. Something's happened and DG has been down since yesterday morning. E-mails from fellow DG addicts are cramming my inbox: Do you know what's happened? Is it my computer? Is my ISP okay?

I'm as clueless as anyone, and I know that if I am angst-ridden about not getting my daily DG fix, he must really be in a pickle. I wish you and the DG juggernaut well - hope it all comes back online for you soon!

Thanks To Our Washer

I bid our humble 10+ year-old Whirlpool washing machine a thank you for its floundering agitator. Had it not ceased doing its job, I never would have found

Where else can you go to read a great blog and see step-by-step photos of appliance repair? Sounds like one of the combo deals Paul Reiser writes about in Couplehood, actually...It's a blog and an appliance repair site!

But I digress. The self-proclaimed "oracle of appliance enlightenment" tackles our aggitator problem and so much more. And it's all written in a decidedly tongue-in-cheek fashion that makes me want to read about appliances we don't even own. He also has a Beer Fund (have your volume turned up) and an amazing money-making opportunity that's hard to beat.

So surf on over there! Just don't forget where you came from; I'll leave the light on for ya. Maybe I'll even put up a donation link for a Whirlpool Duet Washer (droooool.....).

Construction: Day Three

Work's progressing nicely. The former garage door opening is now a wall with two windows, a door, and vertical vinyl siding. The latter was the idea of Contractor John; he thought vertical would be better than horizontal, and it really does give the illusion of the wall being taller. The raised subfloors in the front room and bedroom are down, as well as some floor extending outside the bedroom into the laundry/storage area of the basement.

Because the height of the doorway is shorter than standard, we had three choices: getting a custom door, getting a smaller door only 32" wide, or getting a standard 36" door and cutting some off the bottom. The custom door would have been too pricey. The smaller door was, well, just too small (imagine moving furniture in through a 32" wide door). So, let's make a deal...We chose door #3.

I'm still getting used to it being cut off short. Because it's a steel door with panels, it's obvious the door's been cut off at the bottom. I've been fiddling with Photoshop, though, and notice it is not so noticeable if we paint the door dark green and the frame of the little lemon wedge window white. That draws the eye up from the lower portion of the door. There will also be a screen door which, alas, must be cut down to fit, also. I'm crossing my fingers that it will look a little more normal.

I know, I know...A picture's worth a thousand words. I have more pictures, but I've been busy today and just haven't gotten them into an album and uploaded just yet. Right now, I have homemade stuffed peppers baking in the oven, a hungry tummy, a hubby with a hungry tummy, and a videotape of tonight's Survivor.

Priorities, you know.