December 02, 2002

Dream Byte

By the way...I dreamed last night that I was getting pummeled by potatoes; someone was throwing them at me (probably Lisa). I could feel these things hitting my chest, really hitting hard! I woke up pretty quickly, let me tell you. It was just Stinky Leroy, one of Lisa's cats. I'd rolled over on my back in my sleep, and the dear kitty had walked up on my chest. His icepick-pointy feet made their way into my dream. When the mental fog cleared and I saw it was him, I broke out giggling and Howie about it (sorry if I woke you, hon). Sometimes the reality is funnier than the dream itself.

Homeward Bound

We went out in the bayou and to a lake with Jesse in the boat today, then we enjoyed some great live Cajun music at a local place. What a way to end things! Yep, our southern getaway has reached its end, and we fly back to Ohio tonight at 7pm. We're going to miss these folks so much! But we have a standing invitation to come back, so the parting is a sweet one. :) I don't even know where to begin when it comes to encapsulating a ten-day respite into a blog entry or two. I sure am not going to tackle that until we're back in Ohio and I've slept a good eight or ten hours. These are just some random thoughts before I crash for the night.

Howie's a good doggie daddy; three new Hartz chewy bones are going in the suitecase so our pups have goodies when we bring them back home Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday morning we will happily sleep late while the dogs are walked at my BIL's home. Hey, our flight doesn't get into Columbus until just before midnight Monday night...We're sure not showing up to get the dogs at 2am, ya know?

Lisa's packed us a bit of turducken and we bought some andouille sausage to bring home; both are frozen and ready to pop in the suitcase at the last moment before we leave. Oh, we're leaving....waaaaaah! :(

Still, it will be good to get home and unpack, unfurl, and stretch out in our own bed. It has nice clean sheets on it and we can sleep until we just wake up rested. Aaaaaah. As great as vacations are, it's always nice to be home. Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz has it right.

We have a goodie to come home to: A whoppin' big 27" TV. This makes The H-Man verrrry happy. OSU beat Michigan, so he's very psyched about watching the big January 3rd Ohio State game on a big ol' screen. Argh-argh-argh. So, thanks to a great Day-After-Thanksgiving sale at Wal-Mart and a way-cool dad who braved Wal-Mart at 5:30am, this is reality.

Hey, get this: He even struck up a conversation with someone in line ("how long have you been in line?"), then just waltzed right on in the store with this stranger when the door opened. No, as my mother said, it was certainly unBOBlike! We didn't have anything to do with the line-jumping strategy, though we roared when we heard his methodology and appreciate his getting there to get us the goods in our absence.

Aiyeeee, I'd better go hit the pillows myself; it's late and we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. He bought some of that Breathe Right snore spray at Wally World tonight, so in a few moments I will see if it's working. He's been in bed a while now, and has had a chance to work up to his full schronking, roaring glory. And he had the nerve to say I need to spray some in my throat, too. The nerve! ;)