August 13, 2002

We've spent the weekend hunkered down and bathed in the glow of the TV, enjoying a movie marathon. My DH used some of of his overtime money and got a cheap Apex AD-1100w DVD player (under $65 at Wal-Mart, wooo!). We've watched the following fare since Saturday:

  • The Princess Bride - one of our favorites ("he said 'to blathe'", Angie, LOL)
  • Best in Show - Mocumentary about the obsessions of the big-time dogshow circuit
  • Analyze This - Cute...But c'mon, a sequel is in production?!
  • Lord of the Rings, along with all the cool special extra DVD stuff
  • War of the Worlds - Original 1953 film great SFX for the time, but...How do you compare?
  • Toy Story 2 - As fun as the first romp
  • Random Hearts - Oh, ugh. Please, value your 2.25 hours more and save your money!

  • Yes, we're taking a little break here for sleep. My brain hurts, especially after that last movie. What a depressing, boring, pointless drag that was, even with Harrison Ford. Yuck.

    My belly is feeling better with each passing day, so that's encouraging. Thus far I've been able to stave off over-friendly pets and keep paws from puncturing my midsection. My mom and dad are still helping out with dog-walking duties for another week or so until I'm able to handle the pull of the leashes. It's been kinda nice not having to go out there and wait for our three dogs to do their respective duties in the yard. I thank God for family willing to walk the dogs. :)