March 31, 2003

Question for You Blog Geeks

Is there a way to do an extended entry thingie like MoveableType offers, just using regular old HTML? If so, please e-mail me. I'm not quite ready to take the MoveableType plunge, and I can't justify paying someone to set it up for me, but I sure would like to tidy up this blog if it isn't too hard to do this sans-MT.

Monday Mission 3.13

These are the weekly questions Promoguy hath wrought. To see his answers, go to his blog.

1. How old will you be on your next birthday?

As the hand ticks past midnight, I shall be thirty six. Wow...Four years away from the big four-oh. I sure don't feel like it (mentally, anyway)!

2. What is your favorite gadget?

One thing I love is my underwater stem cutter. I got it from Jackson and Perkins in one of the warehouse sales when I worked there, but it looks like they discontinued it. Some cut flowers need to have their stems seared with a match, while others need to be cut underwater so no air gets into the stem (the air bubble will keep water from being taken up through the stem). For the latter, this gadget works great. It is a glass jar with a screw-on lid which contains a razor blade sort of assembly. You fill the jar with water, screw on the lid, then insert the stems of your cut flowers into it and press the button on top. It slices the stems under water.

(By the way, I have one of those little George Foreman grills, too, and I love it; I want one of the big ones so I can do more than one big burger at a time!)

3. Tell me about someone that you lost touch with several years ago. Would you like to get back in touch with them again? What caused the separation? Has enough time passed? Would you still get along?

I lost touch with someone who was instrumental in showing me God was not only real, but approacheable and loving. We were good friends while I was in high school, but as I grew and matured as a person, he stayed right where he was. He's got a lot of strange ideas, a lot of things he swears are revelations to him by God. He's in his fifties and still lives at home, an eternal Peter Pan.

He was in his thirties when I met him, and the very fact that he was a youthful-thinking hippy made friendship fun and easy; the thing is, he stayed that way and I just keep wishing he'd grow up. So, no, I don't think we'd still get along, sad as that is.

4. Is there a difference between your online personality and your real-life version? Or are you pretty much the same person either way?

In the most basic sense, no. I strive to be approacheable and helpful. I enjoy helping people with their computer snafus, gabbing about gardening and scores of other subjects. In RL, I am more of a hermit, though. It's funny, the more of a hermit I am in RL, the more active I am online, so I suppose it goes hand-in-hand.

5. Can you think of any ways that the Internet hinders person-to-person communication? What could we do to change things?

I know that in my own life, I am more apt to jot someone an e-mail than I am to call. Sometimes I want to just communicate some tidbit of information, and I know if I call, it will probably end up being a 1/2 hour conversation. Truthfully, I just don't enjoy talking on the phone that much anymore. I think the Internet is a mixed bag. I've met many of my Internet friends in RL and enjoyed their company very much. Many of those online acquaintances have become RL trusted and cherished friends, people with whom we've even stayed with.

However, I also find that, especially when stressed, I tend to pull back from my local RL friends and family and dwell more in my Internet community. It's just easier sometimes, you know? I can read their blogs, threads, and e-mails without feeling put on the spot. I have more of a chance to digest what they're saying and think about my replies before answering.

Personally, to change things, I need to force myself to get outside and be with people. It always charges me up and makes me happy when I get out with folks face-to-face, so why I don't just DO more often that is a mystery!

6. When was the last time you felt truly happy, or had that sense of perfect inner-peace? What does it take to get that feeling back when you need it?

I feel peaceful like that when I awake in the wee hours of the morning and hear the birds chattering. I love that sound. And when I sing, especially worship songs, I feel very peaceful and happy. One of the most wonderful things to me is singing harmony with others.

7. If you could just verbally let loose on someone and be able to say anything you want, without repercussions, who would you say it to and what would you say?

Hmmmmm.....Really can't say. ;)

Oh, and my caption for the photo is "Super-Elastic Kitty Plastic!"

It's April? No Fooling?

"April, Comes like an idiot,
babbling, and strewing flowers."

-- Edna St. Vincent Millay,
American poet

These were taken in April 2002, but we're not too far from looking this way this spring:

Sheer joy of running
Our crabapple spot
Azalea buds

We did so much in the basement yesterday. My brother-in-law came by and helped, and between the three of us working, we got all the stuff we're keeping up on some shelves Howie built. We also have the remainder of the stuff sorted into two piles in the front of our garage: Goodwill and Garbage. By the time mid-April comes around, we'll have a clean slate for the contractor to start working.

Since we got everything in the basement done, Howie said he'll help me work in the yard this Satuday. I got a little bit of the winter die-back cleared from the front perennial beds Saturday, but I'm behind in my pruning. It will be so good to get everything cleared away so all the new growth has room to grow. There's so much coming up, and it's so welcome to see after this harsh, bitter winter.

I wish we didn't perpetually run in catch-up mode. The clean-up outside would be easier if we weren't also having to clear last fall's leaves! The Messies Manual book I just finished reading has helped me see things in new ways and has me feeling more empowered to change some of my habits; it's really my hope to have a better handle on routine maintenance of the house and the yard by this fall.

After getting so much done this weekend, I feel pumped. I actually feel like change is possible!

Added: Silly me, I had it in my mind that Monday was April 1. So, April came a day early in my blogworld. Whoops!

March 28, 2003

Homeless Critters

I added a goodie to the right sidebar last night. It's a link to, which offers access to a huge network of animal shelters across the country. Our Emma is a pound puppy, and we have big hearts when it comes to homeless critters.

I know some folks really desire a purebred with all the papers, but I just don't know if I could spend hundreds on such a dog when I know there are sooo many great critters living on borrowed time at the shelter. Emma's littermates were put down the day we got to take her home, and if they had temperments anything like hers, they would have made fantastic pets.

I urge you, check out your local dog pound and animal shelter if you're considering a pet; they even have purebreds if that's your thing. I like mutts, myself. I can guar-ON-tee there's no other doggie like our Emma on the planet!

Finally, it's Friday

My hubby had to go back to 5-day work weeks after last week's layoffs at his job. It's weird getting used to, but we're so thankful he still has a job. So, once again, Friday really means something. Of course, Friday's also an excuse to answer someone else's questions.

1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week?

Last Saturday morning, I went to a womens coffee fellowship at our church. The lady next to me, Jeanette, was interpreting the speaker's message in sign language so one of our church's hearing-impaired members could listen. Watching Jeannette's graceful hands and seeing Carol's expressions as she listened, it struck me how much I would like to better communicate with the deaf members at my church. I love people, love talking with them, and it bothers me I am not able to communicate as well with the deaf as I'd like. I know how to do the alphabet in sign language, but that's it. I really should look into this more - there are people at church who teach others, for interpreters are always welcome.

2. What one person touched your life this week?

So many! Someone who I've especially appreciated this week is Naomi, though. She's been a real encouragement to me! Love you, girl. :)

3. How have you helped someone this week?

That same Saturday morning, I provided transportation to an elderly member of my church. Actually, it may have helped me even more than her; surely someone would have given her a ride had I not asked her, but by offering her a ride, I made sure that I would go, too. She is a widow and struggles with depression, so it meant a lot to her to get out and just visit with people and laugh -- and I was blessed, too!

4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week?

I need to get the house cleaning done by this time next week. I wanna have people over to visit! (That New Messies Handbook I'm reading is awesome, by the way). I also need to get outside a little each day and clean up the perennial beds. There are leaves from last fall, plus all the perennial foliage that died back over winter. There's new growth coming up everywhere, and I need to get rid of the dead stuff before I end up cutting good shoots and leaves with the dead stuff.

5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place?

My world? I will pray. I am one person, basically impotent to impact much of what's going on in the world at large, but I know Someone who can. I don't know what all the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. As far as what I can do locally? I can listen. I am making it a point to listen more. We all need someone who will just listen sometimes.

March 27, 2003


We have a few overwintering butterflies in our area, but most of them will be coming back with the warmer weather. I found a neat site which shows butterflies by county for the whole US. So, if you ever wondered what species are common to your own neck of the woods, check it out at the USGS website.

March 25, 2003

Death Becomes Her

I couldn't think of another catchy title for this week's Monday Mission entry, so I'm afraid that will have to do.

1. Since we've covered the standard "where do you go when you die" question, let's get a little deeper. When you do die, would you like to be able to watch your funeral?

I think it would be neat to watch my funeral, yes, but only if I couldn't feel sad! I wouldn't want to hover there feeling all guilty at leaving my loved ones behind. ;)

2. Catholics must have the longest funeral services ever. I think there is a lot to be said for the traditions that they keep, but it was just so depressing. I'd like my funeral to be much more upbeat, like those I've seen in New Orleans. What type of funeral would you plan for yourself?

I'd like a joyous one, and one that's closed-casket. I'd also like to have photos showing me and my friends and family having fun, so people can look and laugh as they remember the good times. I'd like my favorite songs played, many of them upbeat praise and worship songs. I'd like packets of flower seeds given to those who attend, so they can scatter them and start a little garden in my memory. I think that's the coolest kind of memorial.

As a child, when I was angry sometimes I would wish that a parent or teacher would die. Thank goodness wishes like those are never granted. I think it probably takes the loss of someone important before you learn the value of life. When did you first realize that life was so fragile?

Gosh, probably when my grandma Georgie died in a car accident. It was the first time someone really close to me, someone I truly loved, was taken from my life.

4. When we said our final respects to Grandma H. today, I though about her impact on the world. No, she didn't cure cancer or make sweeping changes to society. But she did leave a legacy of four sons and a daughter, who in turn have children and grandchildren. And maybe that was her purpose, to launch future generations that will accomplish great things. Some of us are here to make a huge splash in the pond of life, others are here to direct the ripples in the water. Of the people you've known personally who have passed away, what sort of legacy, impact, mark or achievement did they leave behind?

My grandma Georgia left me with a love of reading and nature, and memories of summers weeks spent at her home - just me visiting her. She listened to my endless chatter because she knew that sometimes you had to bear up with the trivial in order to catch a glimpse of the heart.

5. One thing that struck me at the funeral, was that there were so many men were dressed in casual clothes. I was brought up to believe that men should always wear a suit to a funeral, as a show of respect. Maybe these men were never taught that. Maybe they just don't own suits. Maybe that I am just old fashioned and not hip to the times. Do you think there is an "appropriate" way to dress for attending a funeral? Or is it even important?

I guess it depends on the deceased and his/her family. If people come to my funeral in jeans and t-shirts, that's okay with me. I love the fact that our church makes it known that our dress is casual - it's the hearts of people that matter. Some social stigmas need to be let go when it comes to matters of the heart.

6. Grandma H. was far enough along in life to have been able to plan ahead for her funeral, even down to the tiny details such as song selections. It was nice to finally attend a funeral where they didn't play "Amazing Grace!" My choices would be "Ode to Joy" and "I'll Fly Away." What are some of the more memorable songs you've heard played at funerals?

I've not really heard a lot of unusual music played at funerals. Most of the time, the funerals I've attended have been at the same funeral home in town, and there tends to be quiet classical music played softly in the background.

7. I've been craving some home-made pickles for years now. Not just any, but the kind my dear Great Grandmother made. It's been over 20 years since she died, but I can still remember just how her dill pickles taste. No one in the family has even attempted to make them since. Today at the funeral I overheard someone wishing that they had asked Grandma H. for her home-made noodle recipe but now it was too late. Do you have any favorite foods that only one relative made, and the recipe died with them?

And HOW. My grandma made yogurt cookies, and had a recipe for them. Grandpa threw out so many things like that in the year following her death, and her recipe was among the rubbish. These cookies were of a sugar cookie variety, only they were very moist and plumped up thick when baked. They had a vanilla flavor to them. They were just the best things, and no recipe I've tried has come close; I can sure relate to your being able to remember the taste of your grandma's dill pickles. The taste thing is so fleeting, like a flashing memory of a face or tune - sort of like the rush people get when they smell Crayola crayons and are transported back to kindergarden. The senses are such powerful things!

Today's Comment Question: Do you like pickles? If so, what kind?

I love pickles. When I don't care about how rank my breath will end up, I enjoy a sassy, garlic-steeped kosher dill - the kind you pull from a great big jar at the deli counter. Man, those are so good!

March 21, 2003

More than Meets the Eye

In the Bible, it says "man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart". So does Joanie, and that's one of the reasons I love her. She is a pediatric nurse at a children's hospital and, though some of her blogging might ruffle some feathers, she's so much more than all that. She is one deep lady with insight. Go read.

March 20, 2003

We're Bi-Technical

We took the plunge tonight and bought us a Mac. Why? Because Howie's employer had another round of layoffs on Tuesday. Out of four people on second shift in his department, he's the only one they kept. It was a big wake-up call that he needs to learn as much as he can.

He uses both Macs and PC's at his job, but mostly the latter. Knowing both PC and Mac platforms will make him a more desireable employee. So, today he sold our Micron P2 300mHz laptop to a coworker and tonight we bought a Powerbook G3 Wallstreet on eBay. We figure it is pretty similar to our laptop as far as processor speed, RAM and hard drive space goes, plus it has a 14" display like the Micron. He's using his downtime at work to learn more about QuarkXpress and Photoshop, too.

This is quite a leap for this girl. I am an old pro when it comes to PC's and Windows, but I am clueless when it comes to Macs. I'm looking forward to learning, though! Our first challenge will be in getting our Windows PC's to talk with the new laptop; we've never networked anything but PC to PC. Woo-hooo!

A Spring Respite

I wrote about this on a thread at Dave's, where we were discussing mourning doves, but thought I'd elaborate a little about it here. It's one of my favorite memories and I hope you find some respite in it, too. I know I have, just in the re-telling.

One of Howie's and my favorite memories is a Saturday night we spent up in Holmes County. We'd taken a drive and had dinner at Der Dutchman restaurant, but it became very foggy by the time evening came. We thought it was as good an excuse as any to find lodging and spend the night. We called around at about 8pm and finally found a bed and breakfast with a room open.

It was in a little farmhouse down the road from the Mennonite owners' home; our room was on the second floor, sparsely, but attractively, furnished and decorated. A low window on each side of the room provided a wonderful cross breeze. We snuggled down in the bed and fell asleep breathing that wonderful spring country air.

Sometime in the pre-dawn hours, we awoke to hear rain pattering on the slate roof outside the windows. There were also mourning doves cooing nearby. We lay there in that magic, just soaking in the whole experience, and finally fell back asleep. What awoke us for the day was the sound of Amish buggies passing as familes made their way to homes for church. After breakfast, we sat outside on a porch swing and enjoyed the quiet before heading back home.

Whenever I hear doves, I think of that wonderful night - especially if it's raining. :)

March 18, 2003

First Garden Shots of the Year

The first green ones, anyway. I added a bunch of pictures to my journal at Dave's Garden (click on the thumbnails there to see the full-size images). I hope to take pictures of these same plants at weekly intervals, along with others which make their appearances. It will be interesting to see what all survived the trench-digging along the house's foundation. *grumble* *sigh*

Avian Rich Littles

I've been hearing the call of a killdeer lately, both day and night. We live not too far from some open fields, but it's still not a bird I've regularly seen around our yard. This has been puzzling me.

I've long been fascinated and amused by the chatter of European starlings. What a cacophony in the mornings and, especially, evenings! Sure, they're dirty birds. And, yes, they're major pests to farmers and can clean out our own feeders in no time flat when they take a mind to swarm into the yard, but they're still amusing birds. They put me in mind of a bunch of old ladies gossiping over at the beauty shop.

This morning, a couple of starlings flew up and perched on our open casement window, maybe three feet from my head, and one of them began yammering away. Right in the middle of his repertoir came a very familiar sound...A killdeer's cry.

Ah ha! I don't know where I've been, but I never realized it was starlings doing it. I thought maybe it was a grey catbird (since we haven't seen any northern mockingbirds around our neighborhood) but it was the goofy starling all along.

Speaking of mimicks, mockingbirds are just incredible. Last summer, when we went to Tennessee for the first annual Dave's Garden Roundup, we tent-camped beneath a few scrawny trees. A mockingbird serenaded us much of the time we were there, day and night. What a treat it was to hear him go through over a dozen different bird songs, plus throw in his own embellishments. It was amazing. I would not want one camped outside my bedroom window during breeding season, however.

March 17, 2003

Oh Waiter, Is This Spam Kosher?

I got a fun spam tonight...
SUBJECT: A bigger schlong awaits you efbu mmz.
Yiddish spam I'm now getting? Oy. I don't mean to kvetsh, but this meshugine takes me for a mentsh, eh?

A Day of Firsts

I saw my first bumblebee of spring today. :) I also saw the season's first mosquito, at least the first one to try to bite me! Either way, spring is padding its way in through the muck and I couldn't be happier to see it. I saw a couple tiny leaves of my huchera plants (coral bells) coming back, so something beneath the sycamore survived the winter. It looks like my digitalis (foxgloves) in that area may have all died. We'll see, though; maybe they'll surprise me and come back after all. I hope the ones by our patio bed do make a return; they were so pretty last summer. I'm putting together some pictures of the garden. Be watching!

Is there hope for Messies?

Confession time here. As those who know me have heard me say, I am an "all or nothing kind of person". I procrastinate cleaning the house until it's a cluttered, awful mess and then...then...I dig in and clean the hell out of it.

Daily maintenance is such a struggle for me, for whatever reason. I am an admitted perfectionist and feel like I have to do something absolutely right, or it's not worth even doing. But that overwhelms me and I can't face the actual starting. It's an ugly, vicious circle. And I've lived under a cloud for decades now, feeling like a real failure when it comes to getting my life in order.

I am mortified if people drop by unexpectedly because the house is in a shambles. What? You say my house looks so nice? Open the closets, dears. Stop by sometime when I'm not expecting anyone. If - and only if - I let you in the front door, you will see. I've tried making lists, I've tried setting aside one day to clean, spreading it out throughout the week...I've tried just about everything.

Ack! Is there hope? I sure hope so, and I believe there is. Last week I listened to an archived broadcast of Focus on the Family, entitled Coping as a Messie. When I wasn't laughing aloud at this lady's humor, I was sitting open-mouthed as she described this old girl to a T. When she said the majority of the messies she speaks to overwhelmingly use the phrase "I'm drowning", I knew I'd found someone who knew me.

You can listen to it at, where archived broadcasts are available in both RealOne and Windows Media formats. Scroll down a bit to find that show.

Even if you're a cleanie, listen. It will help you understand why some of your friends, neighbors, roommates, family members and others are the way they are. Most of them aren't just lazy,and they don't do it just to irritate you. Honest.

Take me...It's not just that I am online now; shoot, I've always been this way, even before we had a computer. Sandra says messies are highly sentimental and surround themselves with personal momentos. Yep! They are practical and keep things because they, or someone else, really might need that thing someday. Yep!

I ordered Sandra Felton's book, The New Messies Manual (no tax or shipping!) and it arrived today. The first chapter just smacks of me. Can you imagine the relief I feel? I've also been lurking around her website, and have a tiny glimmer of hope in me that things can change.

March 14, 2003

Talky Talk Talk

Friday Five concerns telephones this week, a subject with which I am all too familiar!

1. Do you like talking on the phone? Why or why not?

I used to, until I got a job at a catalog call center and spent anywhere from 8-11 hours a day doing customer service and doing supervisor calls. I liked the phone work, but it killed my desire to talk much on the phone in my spare time. I like to talk about something, not just talk. Small talk just kills me sometimes.

2. Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?

My hubby, when he called from work to say hi.

3. About how many telephones do you have at home?

Six, not counting two cellphones. Pretty much everywhere except the bathroom.

4. Have you encountered anyone who has really bad phone manners? What happened?

All the time! I've been on both sides of it, monitoring my employees' phone calls at the above-mentioned call center, and taking calls from customers. Some of the manners I heard were appalling! With the employees, I had a chance to tell them their strengths and weaknesses regarding the phones. With rude customers? Well, I had to bite my tongue and try not to let them get me riled up. Sometimes I didn't keep a cool head, but most of the time I did. Life-preserving measures? Making shooting gestures toward my temple and contorting my face ludicrous expressions. Many of us did this. It was code, like the universal choking sign!

5. Would you rather pick up the phone and call someone or write them an e-mail or a letter? Why or why not?

It depends on what information it is I want to convey or glean. To be honest -- given the information I've supplied above it's not surprising -- I would usually rather write. I am far better at written communication than oral. Also, what is begun as a quick phone call sometimes ends up being a marathon. I also see great value in having the written word (even e-mail). Though tone can be difficult to read sometimes, at least it is there in front of you for posterity's sake and you are not just remembering bits and pieces of what was said.

March 13, 2003


Well, our beagle had himself another pee-fest this evening. He's been on a medication to help him better control his bladder, and up until today it seemed to be helping. But today he drank a bunch of water since we put a bowl in the office with us. I neglected to remember the fact that he'd consumed massive quantities of liquid, and failed to adjust the walk schedule. So...

I was treated to pisssquiggles all over the office carpet. I was just beside myself when I stood up from my office chair (currently a recliner) and surveyed the wet pattern on the carpet. You could see the back-and-forth swing in his gait by following the trail. It's very distinctive.

Ohhhhh, it's so simple when a female dog pees: one puddle is your general result, maybe a little trail leading up to or away from it. Not so with males, at least this male, darn it.

It led from beneath my desk to the office door, back into the office, and back to the door. You could see the swing in his gait by following the trail. I am trying to laugh, really I am! If it were someone else's dog and someone else was cleaning up the messes when they happened, I'd chuckle and move on to other things.

Can't move on, though. Have to rummage around for the enzymatic cleaner* to spray. Have to spritz, spritz, spritz. Saturate. Walk around on it and make sure that stuff really soaks in well. Yep.

I told Howie I want to get rid of the carpet in the office. It's a big, cheap bound remnant we bought at Rite Rug last year, and it's just more hassle than it's worth. I don't care if the hardwood floor is scratched and maybe even discolored at this point. I'd rather have that than have to deal with dog pee on carpet.

Not that this is a regular thing (anymore). But when it happens, it happens with a real bang. When it rains it pours.

*Nature's Miracle truly IS a miraculous product. The cat urine formula is especially excellent. It worked great on our mattress...But THAT is another story.

March 12, 2003

More on Audioblog

Man, now that I've heard a few bloggers' use of Audioblog(scroll down - they have links to examples), I think I may see possibilities. What a tool this could be. I love to read aloud, so perhaps that could be a part of it. Oh, my. I am a big talk radio buff, especially interviews, stories and such on NPR, and this gives anyone and everyone a chance to do this. The sound quality is MUCH better than anything I've done at home with my el-cheapo microphone, too. Hmmmmmm......I may have to try this for 3 months. I could do three audio posts a week for the $3/month. And you can subscribe in 3-month increments, which isn't so painful. Hmmmmmm.

The New Voice of Blogger

Blogger has a nifty new AudioBlog feature which lets you call a telephone number and record an entry for your blog, which is then posted as an MP3 file to your blog. You still have to publish it, though, like any other blog entry, so it's not instantaneous.

It's a fun novelty, but I'm not sure how much I'd use it, especially for $3/month. They sell it as being something you can do from anywhere (like from a cellphone while you're out on the road, for instance). Considering I am not out on the road, but at my computer, a lion's share of my day, I just don't think this is for me. Plus, I and can probably type my thoughts more coherently than speak them - And my typing never sounds nasally and gross!

But they did have a free trial (of course) allowing me to leave one AudioBlog entry, which I just did:
Powered by audblogaudblog audio post

C'mon, fellow bloggers. Do your part and transport, yea, catapult yourselves into Blogger MP3dom. ;)

March 11, 2003

Foolin' Around

I'm messing with my template. Just ignore me. I need to save the various versions as I do them, too. Note to self. ;)

Courtesy of some unknown smart-aleck

I was --->this<--- close to deleting an e-mail and/or going to to debunk it...Glad I kept reading. It's a hoot.

If you receive an email entitled "Bedtimes, " delete it IMMEDIATELY. Do not open it.

Apparently this one is pretty nasty. It will not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer.

It demagnetizes the strips on ALL of your credit cards. It reprograms your ATM access code, screws up the tracking on your VCR, and uses subspace field harmonics to scratch any CD's you attempt to play.

It will program your phone auto dial to call only 1-800 numbers. This virus will mix antifreeze into your fish tank.



It will leave dirty underwear on the coffee table when you are expecting company.

It will replace your shampoo with Nair and your Nair with Rogaine.

If the "Bedtimes" message opened in a Windows 95/98 environment, it will leave the toilet seat up and leave your hair dryer plugged in
dangerously close to a full bathtub.

It will not only remove the forbidden tags from your mattresses and pillows, it will also refill your skim milk with whole milk.


And if you don't send this to 5000 people in 20 seconds, it's just
too horrible to think about.

Send this warning to everyone. If you don't, you don't love Jesus.

If you are a blonde, this is a joke.

My gosh, I think our household is infected with this thing! (I added that part about Jesus just for you, Angie)

This Bud's for You

I notice the buds on the crab apple tree out back are now not only swelling, but showing the faintest blush of pink. O, rapture! I don't see anything sprouting yet from the earth, but seeing those apple buds makes me realize spring is not so far off. It's sunny today, too, and the high's are forecast to be in the mid 40's today and high 50's the next few days. O, sweet respite!

March 09, 2003

Hellllo Trebuchet

I don't know about you, but I was sick of seeing Times New Roman every time I went to my blog. I think this is a lot cleaner and shows boldface stuff better. Wheee. Hmmmm, I need a life!

P.S. I changed the background so it has a muted sort of sponged green and black pattern, and I am working on a new logo. Someone has a shareware version of the Upper West Side font I used when rendering my original GW logo and buttons at I downloaded and installed it and can now Upper West Side anything I darned well please!

March 07, 2003

Out of Curiosity

Why do spammers think that I'm going to bother reading an e-mail with a subject line like przeszpiegi angrim nestaje SWART, let alone from an unknown and obviously junk/forged e-mail address? Why do people send this stuff? I know, I know...But, man, I just got back from being out all afternoon, and when I screened my e-mail headers with Mailwasher , it marked dozens of these goofy e-mails for deletion. I love that program.

Friday Five

What more can I say? It's time to consult with my inner child and answer this week's Friday Five questions...

1. What was the last song you heard?
The theme song to "That 70's Show"

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
I watched "Pleasantville" on TV Saturday night, and prior to that I think the last movie I saw was "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers". I just told Howie that my answer is pretty pitiful; here I love movies, but I haven't seen anything new since December? Gosh. I don't usually watch TV when he's at work. and when he gets home we watch some of our favorite late-night shows.

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
I bought a 12x12" post-bound memory album, a package of 12x12" pages/sheet protectors and a combo pack of paper/stickers...All from Hobby Lobby. And right after I bought those, I dashed back to Michael's and returned all the scrapbook stuff I'd just bought before going to Hobby Lobby! Michael's is so expensive unless you use one of the weekly 40% off an item coupons or catch them when they have something on sale. Yikes!

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
I really must (1) de-poop the back yard, weather permitting, (2) dust and vacuum, (3) launder all the dogs' bedding, and (4) get my butt out of bed and go to church Sunday morning.

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Howie, Mom, Lisa, Amy, and Angie

March 06, 2003

And We Liked It That Way!

First, let me preface this by saying I do not know who originally wrote this. It's one of those e-mail goodies passed around the net. But I could have written something like it, because I sure could identify with most of it!
When I was a kid adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious stories about how hard things were when they were growing up;

What with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning uphill both ways through year 'round blizzards, carrying their younger siblings on their backs to their one-room schoolhouse where they maintained a straight-A average despite their full-time after-school job at the local textile mill where they worked for 35 cents an hour just to keep their family from starving to death!

I remember promising myself that when I grew up there was no way I was going to lay a bunch of junk like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've go it!

But....Now that I've reached the ripe old age thirty-nine, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a Utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids today, you don't know how good you've got it!

I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have the Internet. If we wanted to know something we had to go to the library and look it up ourselves (In BOOKS!!!)! And there was no email! We had to actually write somebody a letter with a pen! Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox and it would take like a week to get there!

And there were no MP3's or Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to go to the record store and shoplift it yourself!.... Or we had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio and the DJ would usually talk over the beginning and screw it all up! You want to hear about hardship? Guys couldn't just download porn! They had to bribe some homeless dude to buy you a copy of "Hustler" at the 7-11 Store! Those were your options!

We didn't have fancy stuff like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called they got a busy signal! We didn't have fancy Caller ID boxes either. When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was, it could be your boss, your mom, a collections agency, your drug dealer, you didn't know! You just had to pick it up and take your chances, Mister!

And we didn't have any fancy Sony Play station video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We had the Atari 260 with games like "Space Invaders" and "Asteroids" and the graphics stunk! Your guy was a little square! You had to use your imagination! And there were no multiple levels or screens. It was just one screen forever! And you could never win, the game just kept getting harder and faster until you died! Just like life!

When you went to the movie theater there was no such thing as stadium seating! All the seats were the same height! A tall guy sat in front of you, you were messed up! And sure, we had cable television, but back then that was only like 20 channels and there was no onscreen menu! You had to use a little book called a TV guide to find out what was on!

And there was no Cartoon Network! You could only get cartoons on Saturday morning....D'ya hear what the heck I'm saying!?! We had to wait ALL WEEK, you spoiled little brats! That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy.You're spoiled!

You guys wouldn't have lasted last five minutes back in 1984!

That was my life in a nutshell...The Atari games, the library...That could be me talking.

March 04, 2003

B-days, Birfdays, Birthdays

However you say it,
Happy birthday to Naomi and to my aunt Bonnie...
March 4th was a blessed day, indeed. :)

March 03, 2003

Monday Mission Time Again

Promoguy's Monday Mission 3.09 Questions:

1. Are there any television commercials on these days that are among your favorites? What is your favorite television commercial from your childhood?

As I've mentioned before, I love the Chevy Tahoe commercial which features fabulously rich filmwork and James Garner's voiceover of the poem "Nobody Knows It But Me". It just doesn't get any better than that. My hubby and I also giggle at those Glad commercials with the perky little brunette and the various celebrities. Her voice is so darned cute! My favorite childhood commercial...Hmmmmmm. I always liked the Charmin commercials with Mr. Whipple, and got a kick out of the Chuckwagon dog food ads, too. Oh! And O-S-C-A-R M-A-Y-E-R B-O-L-O-G-N-A . Boy, how many of us kids learned how to spell bologna from listening to those ads?

2. Sometimes we see ourselves as different than we actually are. For example, I like to think I am a pretty outgoing person, but in reality, I would be perfectly happy if I were left alone. How about you? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Would others agree with you?

That sounds a lot like me, actually. I think I am an extrovert, but also play very well by myself. I am an only child, and I think that makes a difference; I learned early on how to entertain myself. I honestly don't get lonely being by myself, though I also love to get out with people and laugh. Getting me out with people is difficult, because I am very content being at home, but once I am out, I have a great time.

3. What kind of a worker are you? Do you like a job where you have a daily routine that you can count on every day? Or do you prefer to be in an environment where there is constant change and you never know what to expect from one day to the next?

These are such good questions! I'll tell you what I don't like in a job: endless paperwork and backlogs. I like jobs which afford new things every day, but within a structure that gives guidance. Take my job at Bear Creek, for instance; it was structured in that we had procedures to follow, but it was always different because we dealt with customers all day long. What I liked about that job was being a knowledge source (I was the "plant lady" for the call center) and being able to help people with questions. What I detested about the job was the close monitoring of call times and other statistical minutae, not only as one being monitored, but as a team leader having to give employees "feedback". Ugh.

4. I've found that when I go out for a business lunch or any type of meeting where you have to speak, a salad makes the best meal choice. It isn't sloppy and makes it easy to pause for conversation. I would think the same would be true for first dates. When you've gone out on first dates, what sort of decisions would go into your choice of dinner? Price? Ease of conversation? The "messiness" factor?

The messiness factor is a big one! Spaghetti is an accident waiting to happen. Conversation is a biggie, too. And you want to have garlic if your date does. ;)

5. "It's grouper" "Two Dollars!" "By choice, man!" The Donger need food!" are just a few of the movie quote that I can recite off the top of my head. These (and oh so many others) come up in the most unusual and inappropriate situations. Usually no one but me "gets it." Doesn't matter, I still have a good laugh. What are some of your all-time favorite movie quotes?

"My name is Inigo Mantoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." ... "He's only mostly dead." How well do you know The Princess Bride? Check out these quizzes! You can read the whole script online, for that matter.

6. What if it happened. All of creation is gone. Wiped out. And then come to find out that that there is no reincarnation, no chance to live life over again, no second chance. Turned out, there really was a God and Heaven and Hell. How would that make you feel? Do you want to go to Heaven?

Sure do! I think we should all live our lives as if this were the only chance - otherwise, what's the point?

7. Should everyone be allowed into Heaven? Or should there be criteria? If you were making up the guest list for Heaven, how would you choose who gets in?

My guest list and God's guest list differ somewhat, I suspect. For one, my list might change depending on my whim or what I think I see someone say/do. But my observances, nomatter how shrewd, do not penetrate to the heart. Only God sees the deepest hearts of men! It's Him we must all make an accounting to, not me.