June 22, 2003

Moving On Over

Yes, just when I get my blog template the way I want it, I'm going to move my blogging over to MoveableType, hosted and edited now at my own server.

So....From now on, go HERE for my current blog. Yes, it's easy to remember - mt.gardenwife.com - but don't expect anything to pretty until I figure more of this stuff out! ;)

June 20, 2003

The Three P's

I thought I'd put in one more update before I crash for the night. I can't believe I'm still up!

1. Parade: I made up a gallery of Thursday's Parade of Homes pictures. Right now the gallery doesn't have links to my main gallery or other pages here at the site, but you can find your way back here. I made the link so it will open a new window.

2. Practice: Music practice was excruciatingly long tonight, 2 1/2 hours. All I wanted to do was sit down and get off my achey feet. The first hour, the band played so loudly we singers could hear nothing. Finally, some friends listening were honest enough to say it was way too loud - so loud it would probably make people get up and walk out of the service. After that, levels were adjusted and we could actually hear ourselves without having to scream the notes. My voice is shot tonight!

3. Pee: After practice, I stopped by my MIL's apartment downstairs to say hi and visit. Her dog was friendly with me, as he always is, and sat playing in my lap for a while. Then he made his way up to his preferred spot, which is back up behind my neck. Usually he goes behind Nancy's neck, but tonight he crawled up behind me on the couch. He felt warm on my neck, kind of soothing.

Then he felt hot.

Then I realized the heat was intense, plus it was saturating my clothes and dripping down my back.

The stinking dog PEED on me! Not just a little, either. My back was soaking wet with dog pee. After yelling a few choice things and smacking his face into the pee-soaked couch back, I retreated upstairs shower while my MIL quickly took the little pisser outside.

He did that to her one time a month or so ago, before she moved. It wasn't on her back like this, though. Thing is, it was obvious tonight that he wasn't just having trouble holding his bladder, but actually meant to do it. What is UP with that? Was he marking her as a favorite? Does that mean he likes me?

If so, he's got to find another way to show his affection (humping my leg's out, too).

Well, that's it. I'm pooped (oh, that makes Four P's). I'm going to bed so I may, I hope, dream of great music, beautiful decorating ideas, and otherwise dry things.

June 19, 2003

Pressing On

Sorry I've been so scarce. It's not that I'm particularly uncommunicative (just ask my family and friends), I've just been busy. Since being a homemaker, I've led a pretty secluded and laid-back life. But lately...Whew!

Today I went to the 2003 Parade of Homes in Pickerington. WOW, what a beautiful bunch of decorating that was. From what my friend Shawna told me, the homes were more modest this year than in years past, more approachable. They were still 200k-600k, though, not mansions but surely out of our price range!

We noticed that most of the folks who, like us, commented with things like "oh, that'd be hard to keep clean" or "that would get dusty really fast" were obviously not the ones in the market for such homes and decorating. If we were, we'd hire people to clean and dust it all, believe me!

But I still did what I enjoy best and had a great time -- I took well over a hundred photographs and took home many decorating ideas. Poor Howie!

My feets is killin' me, though! I still have to go to music practice tonight for a special praise, prayer and healing celebration our church is having tomorrow night. Once I get there, I'll be fine. I know this in my head, but at the moment, sitting down here at the desk, all I want to do is kick off my shoes and crawl into bed. I hope everyone keeps to task and things wrap up quickly tonight. My bed awaits me!

Ah well, I'll live!

June 14, 2003

Spritzed and skeeter free

The Gentle Spray citronella bark collar arrived today June 12 and my MIL and I put it on her dog straight away. It works worked great! The instructions say to put the collar on the dog, then put him in a situation where he normally barks. For Jonah, that means being put in his crate when Nancy leaves.

Update: Problem is, Jonah figured out that if he barks enough times, the nasty spritzy stuff runs out and he can then bark, yip and whine to his heart's content. Dang it! Back to the old drawing board, $80 later.

June 12, 2003

Relaxing and Re-Kline-ing

Angie and did a little fish shopping at a local store run by a brother and sister. I just got our new (to us) 55-gallon fishtank cleaned and set up, and we're deciding on what to stock it with. We're going with tropicals, and I'm thinking about gouramis, tetras, barbs, puffer fish and some other semi-aggressive fish. I'd really like to get a parrot fish, but they're pricier; best to wait until the tank's well-established before getting anything special. Here's the tank, sans fish and ready to go:

Click to enlarge

After shopping, Angie and I watched not one, but two Kevin Kline movies. What fun - I forget how enjoyable it is to kick back and watch movies! The first was French Kiss, with Klein and Meg Ryan. It was your typical fun little Meg Ryan movie and had some great one-liners in it.

The second was The Emperor's Club, in which Kline plays a professor at a boys school. It spans a 27-year period beginning in 1974. I suppose they wanted it to be reminiscent of Dead Poets Society...Beloved teacher helps troubled student(s) at the stuffy and traditional boys school, etc. It didn't measure up to that movie at all, but then again, it would be impossible to (IMHO). It was okay, but not any great shakes - but Kline was really good in it and it made me appreciate all over again the power a good teacher has to change lives. Go teachers!

On another subject, my mother-in-law is purchasing one of those citronella-spritzing anti-bark collars for her dachshund; I bought one on eBay (saved a good $20 off retail "specials", even including the shipping) for her today. We're all looking forward to seeing how well it works. Her doggie's been barking up a storm since the contractors are still working in the house. They downstairs is 90% finished, and all that remains upstairs is the installation of our bathroom vent/light and drywalling/re-tiling around the new shower area.

It should all be done by Friday...And Merry Maids is coming out Monday morning to make all this plaster and drywall dust nothing but a distant memory. Hallelujah for life's rare treats!

June 10, 2003

Give that man a Tetris shot

Angie and I have been hanging around in the air-conditioning this afternoon, geeking out online. A little while ago, I thought heard the distinctive sound of the Tetris song outside. I couldn't see any kids playing with a Gameboy, and a Gameboy wouldn't be that loud, anyway. What in the world?

I cranked open the window to hear better. Sure enough, it was the Tetris song. And it was coming from an ice cream truck. I can't say I've ever heard that song played by an ice cream vendor, but then again, I don't think I've ever seen an ice cream truck quite like this one.

Angie and I craned our necks and plastered our bright and shining faces against the window glass to see this van go by. The general consensus? Ewwwwwwww! It was an old, brown van - one of those long ones, like a Ford Econoline, I think. What wasn't painted brown was brown with rust. On its sides were a couple of big, faded poster/stickers with pictures of ice cream treats. Painted on the back of the van was the admonishment, "Please watch our children" or something like that.

It really wasn't a reputable-looking purveyor of cool treats; it just looked kinda scary. Not someone I'd want watching my children, had I any.

June 09, 2003

Blogger Blues

So, has Blogger's new system made file extensions different? I had to manually go in and change index.phtml to index.html index.php for my blog to even come up. My comments are no longer again working after changing the file extension on my index page...It's not that I don't want to hear from ya! I know ya love me! ;)

My webhost is looking at offering customers blogging software as a perk; he's going to install MoveableType for me to use, sort of as a beta tester I guess. This is really cool and an answer to prayer, because I've been wanting to learn MT, but was confused by the server-side installation stuff and couldn't justify paying MT or Chari even the nominal $20 set-up fee. Wooo! This is such an answer to prayer!

June 08, 2003

Updated downloads page

I updated my downloads page to include a link to Omni Massage Systems. They're just so darned neat!

I'd Rather They Bark

My MIL's dog Jonah is a yapper and really carries on. The fact that he's hard of hearing doesn't help any - just makes him bark all the louder, we think.

In anticipation of his being in her apartment downstairs, we borrowed a bark collar (one similar to this one, only not rechargeable) from a friend. We had misgivings about these collars, but our friend had used it successfully with his beagle, so we thought we'd try it. The collar, touted to issue a "mild correction" at the vibration of a bark, would be there in case his barking got to be too much.

Howie picked up a battery for it, but we weren't sure how to turn it on/regulate it. There were no directions. Since Emma is a barker herself, we thought we'd try the collar on her and see if it worked.

It was horrible. She barked, then cried out loudly in pain and jerked back. Her cries made it "correct" (read: shock) her again, which only made her cry out again. It was horrible and I couldn't get it off of her fast enough.

I felt so terrible at inflicting this pain on her! I bawled as I held her trembling body close to me and tried to calm her. Her heart was going a mile a minute and she was terrified. She had no clue what had happened, why she was hurting like that. It was just plain cruel.

We will never use one of these again, and will tell everyone who mentions wanting to try one to seek an alternative. There are collars which release a spritz of citronella, for instance, or others which issue ultrasonic tones - both of which are supposed to distract the dog without the cruelty of shocking it.

I still tear up when I think about the terrified yelps she made. I just felt really small at the thought of hurting my puppy-girl. She's such a good girl, and hadn't done anything wrong. :( I think part of the reason it hit me so hard because of all the stresses these past few weeks, what with construction, my father, the impending scrapbook project, and all - it's just been a doozy of a month or so, and I guess I've been repressing a lot. Once that tiny chink opened up in the emotional dam, it all came flooding out.

June 07, 2003

Logo angst

I'm working on my blog's logo, but having trouble making a transparent GIF or PNG come out looking decent. Blah! Bear with me...I'm working on it. In the meantime, just hold your hand over the top of the screen while you read!

Update: Well, this JPG image will work for a while. It's a little too big, though. I'll make it smaller.

Wait! Newsflash! For now, I shall make my green background a layer in Photoshop and let my logo go above it; then when I save it, it will match the background already up at my site.

Added: Oooh, I think I might need to make a theme out of my birdhouse picture. It's a little mosaic birdhouse I picked up at Big Lots a while back - I liked the photo of it and made my logo from it - might as well piddle around with it some more!

Moving Day and a Recap

Today's the day my MIL Nancy moved in. We can't believe it's already time; we first started talking about redoing the basement into an apartment for her last October, had the basement waterproofed in January, and started construction on the rooms in May. And now she's here!

The contractor and plumber have a few things left to do downstairs and upstairs, but they'll be done this week. Next Monday, after it's all done, Merry Maids will be tackling our upstairs for us - a special treat after living with this salmagundi of plaster dust, sawdust, dirt, and other construction matter. We can't wait!

The scrapbook is now back in the hands of its rightful owners. In all, I did 38 pages. Sad thing is, despite even pulling an all-nighter from 9pm Thursday to 8am Friday, I was only finished through the end of third grade pictures. At some point, perhaps worn down by the lack of sleep, I came to the correct realization that I was NOT going to be able to complete it in time, nomatter how badly I wanted to. That in itself was freeing for this guilt-ridden girl. But, really, considering I didn't get the pictures until Tuesday, I don't think I did so badly! I'm pleased with how they came out, because I did them with love and with the same attention as my own scrapbook. That's enough. :)

Friday morning was a really fun scene, starting off bright and early as Rite Rug called us at 6:45am to say they'd be here in 15 minutes! Have you ever in your life heard of carpet installers coming that early without a customer specifically requesting it? I think it should be a capitol offense. It was doubly frantic because the contractor, assuming the carpet guys wouldn't come until at least 8 or 9am, had not completed clearing the rooms and sweeping the floors; like us, he never dreamed we'd have to be ready that soon and was just going to come in early and finish up before they arrived.

So, Howie called him and let him know everything was happening, and we headed downstairs to get the last of the debris and such out of the rooms. The carpet guys came right on time and helped us finish sweeping up. What a way to start the day! And with no sleep...Whoooo. Carpet looks great, though.

I ended up staying up until about eight last night, then crashing for a good night's sleep until ten this morning. It felt sooo good to crawl between those freshly-laundered sheets and listen to the pond's waterfall splashing a few feet outside the bedroom window. It's been unseasonably cool here, good sleeping weather. And sleep I did.

June 04, 2003

Burger vs. Booger

Okay...I'm taking a quick break from scrapbooking because I am laughing too hard to cut out any more of pastor's precious family pictures

All I've done today is crop pictures in preparation for putting them on pages. The whole afternoon, I've been listening to various radio stations online and having a good old time playing with all this paper. The music's helping keep me from stressing at all there is left to do!

Anyway, a little bit ago, I was listening to K-LOVE radio online heard this catchy song. I'm boppin' along, when suddenly the words "tender as a booger in the microwave..." leap out at me.

What the Hey?

Thank God for the Internet and instant access to factoids. I headed on over to Google to look, but couldn't find the phrase. This might have been due to my misspelling booger as "bugger", big dummy. Not to be thwarted, I change my tactics and type "tender as a" and "in the microwave" into Google's brain. Aha! A few references come up and I'm on my way.

Turns out, the band is The Newsboys, and the song's "Who".

Heh. It also turns out the words are actually "tender as a burger in your microwave".

Now, before you think me either deaf or really ditzy, I must point out that others thought the same thing. One of 'em posted it at kissthisguy.com, the wonderful online archive of misheard song lyrics.

Scrappin' for the Lord

If I'm scarce for a few (more) days, it's because I'm working on a massive scrapbook project. No, not mine! My pastor's son is graduating HS and I'm doing his scrapbook; his mom's been so swamped with other stuff going on with work and church, she just couldn't get it done in time for his open house this Saturday night. I love doing hands-on creative stuff like that, so I thought I'd take a stab at it. I love them, too, so it's a labor of love.

I'm figuring on about 100 pages total since it spans preschool through HS. His mom's got everything organized by grade and then by event, and she's going to do the journaling part of it on the pages. So, "all" I am doing is cropping and doing the layouts. It's a paying job, too, at a time when we could really use the extra cash - wooo-hooo!

I'm praying the creative cup will overflow, and that I can stay on task and work efficiently. See ya later, alligators!